What Are Attachment Disorders?

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affection disorder

Attachment affection disorder develops from severe disruptions to the caregiver-child bond. In children, these disruptions often involve emotional neglect or abuse, and they can have a lasting impact on relationships in adulthood. They can cause problems with forming close bonds and trusting others, as well as lead to self-destructive behaviors and unhealthy coping strategies, such as risky sexual behavior.

There are two main types of attachment disorder: reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder. Both of these conditions are related to trauma or lack of attachment in childhood, but there are differences in the causes and symptoms of each. Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is characterized by an inability to form healthy emotional bonds and a fear of intimate relationships. Those who experience RAD may have experienced significant emotional neglect, such as frequent changes in primary caretakers or severe physical or sexual abuse.

Healing from an Affection Disorder: Personal Stories of Recovery

Disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) is a type of attachment disorder that’s characterized by over-friendliness with strangers and a lack of distress when separated from a trusted adult. Children with DSED can exhibit fearfulness around adults, but they often show little or no preference for family members over other people and are eager to seek affection from strangers.

Many people with attachment issues are not even aware that they have a problem, but it can have a serious impact on their personal life and relationships. Fortunately, treatment is available. Psychotherapy, in particular cognitive behavioral therapy, can help people become aware of their negative thinking and behaviors so that they can change them.

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